Two weeks ago we went back to the north of Germany.
We were invitated from Axel (Christine's brother) for the inauguration of his house and new business (architecture).
We spend a great time helping him with all the drinks and food . It was fun! They were a lot of friends from him and Kim (his girlfriend).
Christine did a great job helping the guests and Henri helped her.
Christine did a great job helping the guests and Henri helped her.
I had the responsablity to take care of the bbq pigs (see picture)
En bref et en francais:
Debut juin retour dans le nord.
Invitation pour l'inauguration de la maison et du bureau d'Axel.
Super journee!
Christine, aidee d'Henri, s'est merveilleusement occupe de l'intendance.
J'avais la responsabilite des cochons (voir les photos).
Wir waren mal wieder im Norden. Diesmal war Axels Einweihungsparty von Haus und Studio der Grund. Wir hatten viel Spass beim Versorgen der Gaeste mit Bier und Spanferkel. Herve war der Grillmeister vom Dienst.